A Thrifty Wedding
Coco Dietz
With the pressure of a recession beating down on the already intense pressure of building a wedding from the ground up, the dollars (that aren’t already victims of the cost of living) attributed for your wedding could be dwindling. Finding creative solutions to the problems that might be facing the wedding planning process is going to be helpful in saving you some money.

Benefits of DIY Decor:
If you are following the trends you might have noticed the sudden upturn in the desire to thrift. People of all ages are flocking to the thrift store to find creative and unique items not only for their everyday life but for special occasions as well. Apart from saving yourself a great deal of money, thrifting your wedding decor can offer a fun and unique wedding feel that will leave your guests in awe of the cozy environment that you created for your special day.
Prepping for your Days of Thrifting:
There is some preparation that will be beneficial before walking into your local thrift and second hand stores. Create a vision board or a collection board of the general theme and look that you are hoping to achieve. One of the keys to your success in this area will be to keep an open mind and keep the guidelines for your decor loose so that you can find many things that can fit into the categories that you are hoping for. One of the things you need to think about before deciding to thrift your decor is if you are wanting uniformity in your wedding or more of a collection of different pieces. If you are wanting everything to look the same, thrifting may not be for you, due to the difficulty you might face in getting 20 centerpieces that are identical.

There is a downside, however, to thrifting your wedding items from the thrift store. Since there is a constant recycling of the items that are found at the thrift store as well as no guarantee that they will have anything that fits your style and wedding theme, you will need to dedicate more time to finding those items as opposed to finding exactly what you need on the first trip to your local wedding supply store. So if you are planning on having your wedding within a short time frame take that into account when planning on how many items you will try to find second hand.