The Officiant
Coco Dietz
Finding someone who will lead the marriage ceremony is an important decision. They will talk about you and your partner’s love and relationship. If possible, they should be someone that was there for the entirety of your relationship. If that is not an option, then give them as much information as you can so that they can give a well-rounded speech.

What to talk about:
This is your wedding, so make sure you give whoever you choose to marry you clear instructions on what you would like the speech to look like. If you would like to add a particular quote, give that to them in plenty of time. The style of the speech should match you and your partner as a couple. If you and your partner like to be goofy and laugh, the officiant can include that into the speech. Adding a touch of whimsy to the speech can make the joy that you share obvious to all who are there. If you would prefer a serious tone to your wedding ceremony, make sure that is also clear. There is no wrong answer here. Just make sure whoever you ask can follow your guidelines that you have set out for them.
Find Someone to Ask:
In Texas, a select group of people are allowed to officiate at a wedding: licensed or ordained Christian minister or priest; Jewish rabbis; officers of religious organizations authorized to conduct marriage ceremonies; and current or retired justices, judges, and magistrates of select courts in Texas.

Deciding who you would like to ask to marry you and your partner can be a stressful question to answer. But here are some things to consider so you find the perfect fit for you and your fiance. If you have a pastor, priest, or rabbi they are usually your first choice.