Stylish Send Offs

The wedding is over.  The reception is over.  The honeymoon is planned.  The guests have all been greeted and entertained.  Everything is set.  Only one thing remains:  the Send-Off. 

As you double-check to make sure everything will be taken care of at the venue  after you and your new spouse leave, the two of you make your grand exit and head towards the get-away vehicle.  While surrounded by your closest friends and family in two lines leading to the car, your guests are anticipating anointing you with something special.  In a typical send-off, the guests of a wedding shower the bride and groom with an item given out to the guests earlier during the reception.  So, what have you selected for this final moment?

If you’re stumped on what to do for these exciting last few seconds of your big day, there are tons of different ideas for you to choose from. Some of the most popular ones include:

Bird seed:  Eco-friendly and doubling as food for the birds that are likely close by.  Bird seed is a simple and effective method of sending off.

  • Bubbles: Escape to your honeymoon with the love of your life through a glittering field of bubbles, which won’t make a big mess either on your clothes or at the venue.
  • Confetti: Vibrant and colorful, confetti is a wonderful item to hand out to your guests – after all, your union is a cause for celebration!
  • Flower petals: Also a colorful option are petals placed in cones or favor bags. These are a natural choice and look exceptionally classy.
  • Sparklers: Great for summer weddings, sparklers, which have a Fourth of July feel to them without the dangerous nature of most fireworks, give much needed light for an evening send-off and make for a great photo opportunity.

Any of these options are guaranteed to create a fitting conclusion to your happy day!