Questions To Ask When Choosing A Wedding Planner

By Tiffany James

How many Pinterest boards will you have to sift through to make a list of questions to ask your wedding planner? The answer is usually A LOT! Planning your wedding is a really big deal and making sure you and your planner are on the same page is important. 

Here is a list of must ask questions provided by a seasoned wedding planner.

-Is your rate a flat fee or should I expect other fees at the end?
  Some wedding planners charge a flat fee which includes an unlimited number of hours at your service. However, some charge    per hour or per service. Make sure your planner is up front about the cost so it can be effectively budgeted.
-What all services are included in your fee?
  Have your wedding planner give you a list of included services to make sure you utilize every area of expertise that is being         offered. Some planners will even accompany you to dress fittings!
-What services, if any, are not offered?
  Don’t wait until the day of to realize it was your responsibility to provide a cleaning crew for the reception! Double check with    your planner and create a list of   anything that is solely your responsibility so it can be taken care of before chaos arises.
-What do you think is the better option?
  Don’t be afraid to ask for your planners’ opinion. With experience comes wisdom, and that wisdom can save you serious time    and money!
-Is there a cheaper alternative?
  Weddings are EXPENSIVE! Don’t be afraid to choose a more affordable alternative for somethings to save for the                          honeymoon! There is almost always a   cheaper route, just ask!
-Can you please provide a list of dates that payments are due?
  Wedding planners contract multiple companies for your big day. Each vendor will require money at different times. Some          planners will foot the bill until the   end where others require pay as you go. Having a clear schedule of expected payments          will make everyone’s lives easier.
-When is the last day to make changes?
  Don’t miss out on making a change to your floral arrangements or cake flavor because you didn’t know the cutoff date.                Knowing these dates up front will help you in your decision-making process.
-What time will you arrive on the day of?
  Most wedding planners have the wedding day down to a science. However, it is important to know when to expect them and      communicate any special requests to them before they arrive on the big day.